
A few weeks back I found myself planning a very tight couple of days as I headed to David’s Tent at the end of last month. For those that don’t know, David’s Tent is the slice of heaven that we get to encounter every August Bank Holiday weekend (bar the odd plandemic that is) for 72 hours of nonstop worship - in glorious West Sussex. So there I was all set to do several key things before I packed to make my way down there on the Tuesday afternoon.

Time was of essence and I really did not need anything to go wrong. So imagine my slight distress when my brother knocks as my front door the day before I am due to leave to spend this week at DT and he informs me that he has had a break up with his girlfriend and so she shall not be able to look after my cat Bella while I’m at DT! And I’m like whaaaaatttt???! Nonononononooooo. That’s just not feasible Ajay (that’s his name) cause I just can’t leave Bella with anyone else!! Sock horror. And if Claire can’t look after Bella then I’m just not going to be able to go anywhere. And I’m going to let so many people down. Panic panic. Please Aj have mercy on me!!

My brother graciously relents to all my begging and says fine - she’ll have to stay with you then. And so she does. Claire comes over about an hour later and she is so distressed. Any chance of packing or getting through my vital list of things to do completely goes out of the window and I just sit with her as she grieves about my brother. And as inconvenient as it all is, I am just so grateful that she is still going to be able to look after Bella that the least I can do is sit and comfort her.

The beautiful thing is that as we are talking, I share with Claire that she basically needs Jesus. That even if she reconciles things with my brother life will never be truly free and fulfilling until she surrenders her heart to the Lord. And so amazingly she does. She accepts Jesus’ beautiful gift of eternal life and invites Him into her heart. We spend the next few hours talking about a fresh start for her, praying together and just having a real little heavenly lovefest.

That evening as I sit on my bed in utter awe of the way Jesus comforted Claire and brought her healing and eternal life I am weeping with joy. My little kitty cat Bella is with me. And suddenly I am so moved by the realisation that Jesus used a cat to bring Claire into His love. All along He knew that it would be so important for Claire to look after Bella and that this would open the door to her actually inviting Him into her heart and starting a relationship with Jesus. That blows my mind. Through my tears and my awe I stroke my beautiful Bella and tell her that she is a minister of reconciliation and that she has just won her first soul for Jesus. Wow. i think that’s actually so crazy exciting and I love it.

Sooooooo basically, if Jesus can used a cat to bring someone into the kingdom surely He can use anyone?

So many people shrink back from evangelising or being available for the Lord to use them - they disqualify themselves for all kinds of reasons and they believe the lie of the enemy that they aren’t bold enough, or spiritual enough or biblically illiterate enough. Or a gazillion other reasons. When the bottom line is that none of that matters. All the Lord is looking for is availability. Obedience. He will cause us to be the catalyst for someone’s eternal salvation if we are simply willing to stop our plans and pause our to do lists and just let Him use us. If we are willing to be ready messengers of the ONLY one true message that this world truly needs.

Colossians 1:23 (MSG) You stay grounded and steady in that bond of trust, constantly tuned in to the Message, careful not to be distracted or diverted. There is no other Message—just this one. Every creature under heaven gets this same Message. I, INSERT YOUR OWN NAME am a messenger of this Message.

Like I said peeps…if He can use a cat... x

Racing Towards Revival

Sometimes Magic Is Messy | Jessica Paschke

Sometimes Magic Is Messy | Jessica Paschke

When I first became a Christian, I prayed for revival lots. I would weep with a desperate burden for the world to know Jesus. I would imagine what that could look like. Over the next fifteen years, my love for the Lord and His kingdom grew massively. I lived a vibrant life of regularly sharing the love of God with the lost. Often in the darkest of places. Yet somehow I stopped racing towards revival. I stopped pressing in for an outpouring of God’s Spirit. Stopped pressing in for the knowledge of God’s glory to cover the earth, as the waters cover the seas.

Content Without Revival?

I am not sure why I stopped expecting a great awakening. Or why my fervent petitions to see revival across the earth waned. Perhaps I got complacent, preoccupied with my calling and other things. Maybe I was just content with my lifestyle of evangelism. I mean let’s face it, it was stretching enough, partnering with heaven to share the gospel one person, one people group or one community at a time. Honestly speaking, the pursuit of a global outpouring was rarely on my prayer list. And only when God would move upon my heart, would I find myself crying out for it.

Or perhaps it was because I had simply come to accept the increasing darkness in this antichrist world. Deep down in my conscience perhaps I had resolved, that Jesus was going to be the world’s best kept secret until rapture kicked in. And only then, would people all over the earth would realise He was God. And as much as I hated that God’s sovereignty wasn’t seen by the world, I would comfort myself with biblical anticipation, that one day the weeds would indeed be separated from the tares. Of course, it was unlikely to happen on my watch but one day there would be such a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit, right?!

Revival Reawakened!

Yet I must confess, that I stand delightfully corrected. Because I have had my mind radically renewed! In the midst of last year's shaking - as I navigated through the pressures, the pressing and the pandemic I found myself utterly reawakened to revival! Not just the possibility of a global outpouring but the utterly delicious anticipation of its imminence. You see, in the tempest that was 2020, pulled away from the distractions and deception of what life had become and drawn into the solitude of God’s heart, I found myself face to face with the reality of God’s kingdom afresh – and REVIVAL is ABSOLUTELY on God’s heart. And saints...it must also be indelibly etched upon ours.

We are without a shadow of doubt on the cusp of a great awakening. And when it arrives, I for one, want to be smack bang in the centre of it. I don’t want to be a mere spectator. A bystander. Someone who observes from the fringes. No, I want to be one that burns for it. Carries God’s heart for it. One who partners with heaven for it. Who stands in the gap for it. Gets on her face for it and cries out daily for it. Ceaselessly anticipates it and wholeheartedly prepares for it.

You see, I believe we are about to witness a move of God that will astound us…where the works of darkness will be exposed, evil will be uprooted and the harvest will come flooding in. We will witness an outpouring of God’s spirit upon all men. Old men will dream dreams. Young men will see visions. Sons and daughters will prophecy and the knowledge of God’s glory will very tangibly cover the earth, as the waters cover the seas.

It's Our Time...

As great heroes of faith who have gone before us, saw God’s glory fill the earth in their time - I sincerely believe that we are about to see it in our time. The circumstances that we find ourselves in, these present time appear on the surface, to be the hindrances to an outpouring in our midst, but the shaking, the purging, the pruning, the humbling and the seeking God's face in repentance and prayer are in fact the very necessary ingredients that must be in the mix, before an awakening shows up.

But we must yield ourselves and perceive what God wants to do in our midst. We must choose to carry God’s heart and partner with Him as those who are called by His name, running our race with perseverance and endurance. As ones, who so deeply recognise that we are mere pilgrims here on earth, with a heavenly mandate. On divine assignments. And each and every one of us is called to not only run our race but to be in it to win it - just as the Author and Finisher of our faith Jesus, our eternal example - ran his race before us - and for us:

“We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!” (Hebrews 12:2 AMP)

Yesterday's Athlete's Spurring Us On…

We read in the great faith chapter of Hebrews 11, of precious saints that have gone before us,. They were all flawed, just like we are. But because God was with them, they were found racing towards revival, keeping their eyes fixed on Jesus, as their prize. Beyond anything that we could ever even imagine, they faced death, endured martyrdom, experienced extreme persecution, wars, famine, darkness, evil and depravity. Yet they persevered by faith. Wow. May we rejoice at their great exploits and be encouraged by them. For their triumphant races are undeniable, reverberating testimonies of God’s faithfulness throughout history.

But now it’s our turn, racing towards revival. And they are witness to us. Cheering us on.

The Reward That Was Set Before Him

This is our time saints, to step it up as the courageous, unblemished, bride of Christ. "To run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us." Not despising the agony, the persecution and the opposition that comes with our race. But courageously racing towards revival, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus – our glorious prize. The very Author and Finisher of our faith. So that Christ would indeed receive His inheritance. He would receive the reward that was set before Him, when He endured the Cross. So that we could be His. x

Watch the full sermon Racing Towards Revival.

A Heart Full Of Hope With Stephen James Hart

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Exactly one month ago, on a drive back from beautiful, but rather rainy Wales, I was introduced to Stephen James Hart. A friend had heard him speak at Bethel Church in Redding a few years back and had been impacted by his raw vulnerability, his testimony and by his heart. You should listen, she told me! And so on our drive home we both had a little listen. I’m so glad we did. Stephen spoke with a passion and a resolve that was powerful but tender. 

Even more than that, I found myself amazed and totally encouraged to hear someone who thought very similar to me when it comes to sexuality, to restoration and the role of the church. Like seriously, it was like reading the chapter on restoration straight out of my book Sacred Sexuality! I love that. I love that God can touch two people’s hearts that are completely unconnected, in different parts of the world, with different backgrounds and sexual histories yet who have the same facet of God’s heart unveiled to them.

And so, listening to him share his heart on that drive back to London, I just knew that I wanted to invite Stephen to chat to me for a Living in Light Podcast episode soon to be recorded, about Sexual Restoration. And so I did. Sent him a little (well a very long actually) email. And he said yes! And he was so wonderful to connect with. Chatting to him about his journey of restoration…one that is still very much a beautiful and raw work in progress - was a joy and very powerful. And I know you are going to love listening to our two part convo in episodes 20/21 of the Living in Light Podcast

One of the things that blessed me massively about Stephen was his diligence. His heart to be rooted in conviction, to share with precision and to stay focused whilst at the same time having a beautiful openness to the Spirit of God was a delight to observe. And part of that diligence included him penning the responses to the questions I sent him with such faithfulness, attention and value. Taking time to do this with such care. And that speaks volumes about not just his heart, but also his integrity and his desire to be a faithful vessel with his story and to never simply take his experiences or his understanding of them for granted. I think God really honours that kind of cherishing of the things of God and diligence.

And those precious answers, that he so diligently dug deep for, journeyed with God for and searched his heart for - are found right here, because his desire is to not only be completely free but his heart is to powerfully liberate others along the way. And so, as God shine’s the magnifying glass on Stephen’s open heart - and as he yields to the process - and reflects on his own journey of sexual brokenness and unfolding divine restoration, he invites us into the journey.

May his journey bless you massively. And may his liberation bring liberty to your own process. May all that God has been doing in Stephen for God’s own glory, bless your socks off, as it has mine. x

Read Stephen’s thought provoking responses about his sexual journey and finding restoration in Christ here.

Find out more about the lovely Stephen Hart James.

Source: https://www.stephenjameshart.com