Open Doors

Happy New Year!!!


This new year has began with such a bang that my chin is still on the floor!! My heart is so filled with expectation about all that this year carries and all that God is wanting to pour out into our lives in this year. It's the year of new beginnings and it's the year of open doors...and you better believe it. I sure am.  In fact the doors that have swung wide open - quite literally as I stepped over the threshold, into 2018 are totally blowing my mind...the ease at which things have been kicking into gear with the new Sacred Sexuality book is quite deliciously unfathomable. Not quite sure what to do with it aside from believe it, enjoy it, receive it and expect it to continue all through this mighty fine year...not just for me, but for every single one of us. 

I am determined to remain in a place of expectation. To remain hemmed in by the goodness of God, standing firm on Christ as the confession of my hope, the anchor of my soul. Unwavering. Unshakeable.   Setting my face like flint - fixed firmly upon the kind intent of God towards me, and His desire, promise and provision over me...His ability to make this the best year of my life, so far. And yours.  I am resolved in my spirit that no matter what may happen, I will refuse to be anxious, I will refuse to enter into undustrubedness, I will refuse to lose my peace.  No matter what my external circumstances may look like I will know that I will know that I will know that God has got me, He's got the situation and He has already orchestrated the victory! I will choose to believe and not doubt. I will choose to pray and not fret.

I am so serious about living a worry free year. Why should I worry about a thing? I've got Romans 8:28 surrounding me. He works all things together for our good. Why worry?  We have been hemmed in by victory and when the poo hits the fan I can either stand on the truth of the finished work knowing that God is faithful and won't let me down and I can choose to enjoy Him even in the struggles. OR I can worry and be anxious and doubt and be in unrest. The outcome will the same no matter what - God will come through either way but the journey through the struggle won't be an opportunity to abide and grow in will just be a painful time that God doesn't want for me. He wants good for me. All the time. Every one of His thoughts towards me are good.

In some ways for me the very first doors of this year that have appeared to have swung open are the ones in my mind. Stuff that God has been doing in my thinking patterns for quite some time now, has gained a clarity and I'm changing the way that I think.  He has been challenging me deeply for quite some time now about how I see myself.  How I see my position as a child of God. Asking me if I understand what it actually means to be a son of God? To think like royalty and dream like a son?  Or will I remain simply serving as a steward in the king's palace?  Or worst still will I stay imprisoned in a mindset of orphanhood, a waif mentality...a slave. No way! I AM thinking big. I refuse to remain small. It's not an option for me.  I am a daughter of God and I will think like royalty. 

Therefore I am expecting the fulfilment of dreams in a radical way this year. I am expecting things to come through in the most mind-blowing way! I am expecting provision, resources, expansion, creativity to show up in unprecedented ways. I am expecting Living in Light to grow and expand. I am expecting masses to be impacted by the new book. I am expecting to have wealth. I am expecting to be taken higher than ever before. And I'm not settling for less. This is the year of open doors - I've stepped through. Have you? 


Image credit: Pinterest

Already A Winner

I have got so much love for Nao.  British Singer, Songwriter. Creative extraordinaire.  So gifted. Yet humble to the max. Heart of gold.  Beautiful inside and out.  I love that she wore bespoke Living in Light to the Mobo Awards. I love that she is such a champion of Living in Light and I love that she is so honouring. Up for two awards, she didn't win in either category.  It makes no difference. Ha.  Because she isn't looking for the affirmation of the crowd...or props from the industry. She's a girl who is self assured and simply wanting to live her art. She gets my vote anytime. And though she isn't seeking the praise of the masses she is adored all over the place. When it comes to the industry, no matter how many award ceremonies may come and go...this superstar has already won.


Soul Master


I ask my SOUL... 

Why are you downcast? 

God LIVES in you...

God is within you...


 I encourage my SOUL...

You shouldn't be downcast...

God LIVES in you...

God is within YOU!


I SPEAK to my soul... 

DON'T be downcast!

God LIVES in you.

God is WITHIN you!


I TELL my soul... 

YOU WON'T be downcast!