Fly in your Own Time...
Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time. ~Deborah Chaskin
Time and time again we find ourselves hungry for far more than what we are seeing…wanting to eagerly experience all the juicy stuff, the big things…the pain free and loved up times…but the journey involved in getting there is actually where the true treasure is…without the process of it all, and the growth of character, how can we ever even be fully equipped to effectively handle all the good stuff that's coming our way.
So just like the caterpillar, we have to, during these challenging times of waiting - be completely content with being in the dark…in no man's land…in a cocoon, uncomfortable and restless…yet obediently allowing the slow and painful metamorphosis of transition to take place - being open and willing to let the process unfold without any assistance whatsoever (eek!) on our part - being so very careful that our zeal or impatience doesn't frustrate the process and ultimately distort the results of what is taking place behind the scenes…
We have to do this, so that in due time…just like the butterfly we too will awaken…and our patience…hope…perseverance and endurance will surely pay off because when it finally happens…
…it will be simply beautiful…x x x