Envisaging the Light
Image from http://wallpaperswa.com
Okaaaay...so I'm just waiting for all the techie geeky stuff to be sorted until the Living in Light website can go live...soooo mind numbingly boring...trust me, there's only so many times you can have a conversation about managing domains, URL's and nameservers before you want to kill yourself...yet I am kind of getting excited...because I’m thinking to myself...yay I'm going to finally have a little business...yet at the same time a part of me is wondering...what if no one wants to buy the stuff?...And what if everyone thinks the website is lame...? What if I fail miserably? And then I am reminded...lol...that I actually don't care...
And it really REALLY doesn't matter because more than anything, it’s about stepping out...about taking what you've got and doing something with it...taking risks and not fearing the failure...it’s about having fun with life and extending your boundaries each day in some new way...woohoo...it’s about proving faithful with your stuff!
I have seriously had just sooooo much fun doing the first shoot...Anna, Annabelle and Robyn...all modelling for me... Michelle, Ondine and Shaun doing the photography...wow they totally rocked. I even had Ron help me with the location and my own lil runner...thanks Jen. The shoot photo's exceeded my expectations totally. I lurved the fashion pictures. To think I was originally going to postpone the shoot because I had so much going on. Yet deep down I knew I wanted to go ahead and get this baybeee on the road…and maaan, I'm so glad that I did…
That's the thing though...you can kind of avoid doing things because you think they aren't going to happen quite the way you want them to happen...so we can often have a tendency to not even go through with our ideas or our dreams - for fear of the finished result not being good enough…so we almost give up before we even get started...but the thing is this...it's soooo much more exciting, liberating and powerful to actually GO FOR IT...and to just see what happens...EVEN if it goes nowhere…and hey, if you do fail in one aspect - no matter what - you'll have stepped out, you'll have come out of your comfort zone and strengthened who you are...we all know Edison - the dude who developed the final light bulb concept - well he must have tried untold times and messed up repeatedly before he actually succeeded in creating something that could realistically be used...so the lesson for us all is…before we can succeed we will often FAIL! Note to self…failure does not have to be scary!!
And the most amazing thing is this...when you surround yourself with creativity and share your vision with love...you simply can't fail...I know...pass me the sick bucket...its all soooo frickin mushy...but it's true!
And another super amazing thing is that when you persevere and push through a door that you'd only ever previously allowed yourself to glimpse through the keyhole of, it's amazing what lies on the other side…even if it's not what you expected. Often times…the door leads to better places of opportunity. Cameron my gorgeous lil niece recently said something pretty deep to me for a mere seven year old. She happened to ask me if she could hold the keys to my classroom at school. And then getting pretty excited she informed me that..."She loved keys!! She really did…”I love them because they get you into places..." she said...
I love that. It has prompted me to consider what keys I have in my hand…and the only keys I feel I am carrying right now are my creativity…my ability to design, sew and my passion to write. That's all I have to open the door to Living in Light. As small as my keys are they are all I need to get started. So question for you…what are the keys in your life people...what are your talents, gifts, abilities, resources...what are your passions? Are you using them to get through the doors to destiny? Have you tapped into the keys you hold in your hand and are you using them to get you where you really wanna go?????
Don't hesitate…go on…give it a bash…I dare ya…just take what's in your hand and dare to use it...start today if you haven't already...because those little keys are your secret weapon (I know it sounds crazy but it isn't!!) and trust me the doors they unlock lead to more than you could ever imagine…but first you must be willing to make a start with the little you have.