Image by Aaron Watts
Sometimes we can find it really hard to champion our own abilities...our gifts...our talents. So, often times we just don't push ourselves...we don't strive for the next level...and we don't invest in ourselves...simply because somewhere along the line perhaps we're just not that confident in what we carry...maybe we don't even know if we've even got anything to be getting happy about...and if we think we have got something special then we just wanna stay humble and not be bragging about it...other times we're just too fearful of failing, or scarier still...succeeding?
Or if you're anything like me...maybe you're pretty much content bopping along doing your thing, not needing to even put yourself out there...just keeping it simple...blessed with your portion…growing in your creativity and expanding your borders bit my bit from the inside out! Haha...BUT that was me up until recently…cause you see SUDDENLY to my complete and utter amazement...BAMMMMM! I got CHAMPIONED!
CHAMPIONED: To vigorously support or defend the cause of.
Informal - stick up for, throw one's weight behind, plug.
Synonyms: Advocate, promote, plead for, hold a torch for, defend, protect, uphold, support, back, espouse, ally oneself with, stand behind, stand up for, take someone's part, campaign for, lobby for, fight for, battle for, crusade for, take up the cudgels for; propose, sponsor, vouch for, second;
See the way I understand it, being CHAMPIONED goes far beyond even the general level of amazing support and encouragement we may receive from friends and loved ones, who genuinely interested in what we are doing, will lovingly and enthusiastically support us, promote us and encourage us to step out in our God given destinies. But you see to be CHAMPIONED speaks of something far stronger…it speaks of having someone definitely come alongside you, invest in you, vigorously support you, ally one's self with you and not only perceive greatness within you but choose to invest in the greatness that they believe you carry.
"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself."
Amazingly, when you are lavished with this type of unprecedented sponsorship…where you are divinely aligned with people who so passionately believe in you, are so invested in you, that they are willing to pour their time, skill, finances, counsel and prayers into your destiny, you find you actually have no choice but to see in yourself what other's can see in you. You are propelled to go higher…and give your own destiny all you have. No longer permitted to keep your light hidden, safely tucked away, gathering dust…and contentedly risking nothing, suddenly, you are compelled to face your fears and actually believe you carry something that could make a difference.
You know, I'm not entirely sure, but I think there is a risk that some folk just won't fulfil their destiny unless they are championed by another. You see, somewhere along the line, I think our vision can often get blurry when it comes to our own gifts and abilities. We can get so determined to maintain a humble and pure heart, not wanting to promote ourselves for the fear of having selfish ambition or going ahead of God, that we sometimes lose sight of what God has divinely put in us and what He does want us to boldly pursue, being confident that He is right there championing us. Not only was the greatest demonstration of God championing us on the cross but He absolutely still continues to champion our lives today. Often through others.
And so it's a beautiful thing. When someone passionately, vigorously invests in us - I think it releases us to actually see ourselves and our God given potential through heaven's's almost as if we suddenly put on our SONglasses and BAM our vision clears. We suddenly see that it's absolutely okay to love God with all your heart, soul and strength and at the same time to pursue your dreams, because ultimately they are from God anyway. When God is our greatest desire, our dreams can never take His place and so we don't have to fear them...and the more we hang out with Him the more we learn how to navigate through the pursuit of our God given dreams and not only that, we enjoy reaching them with others.
To champion or to be championed is no light thing. There is immense joy and reward for all involved. It's a heavenly strategy for success I believe. For you reap what you sow. Those who champion other's, get championed. So let's champion one another as a lifestyle. Let's fearlessly, passionately empower one another and release heaven's culture of victory into our generation. x
This blog post is dedicated to the designer of the new Living in Light website, my beautiful friend Bianca who has simply taken my breath away with her championing heart.
(Although I have been so stoked by so many incredibly special people who have invested in my life in so many amazing ways. Thank you thank you thank you to each and every one of you!!)